Saturday, August 31, 2019

Contrasting Attitudes in Two Campers in Cloud Country by Sylvia Plath Essay

Sylvia Plath’s poem â€Å"Two Campers in Cloud Country† displays tones of naturalization and of objection to society. The speaker expresses his distaste for the mundane life and his respect for nature by incorporating style with literary devices. In Sylvia Plath’s poem â€Å"Two Campers in Cloud Country† the speaker uses diction and figurative language to portray attitudes of mockery towards civilization and awe towards the freedom of nature. First, the speaker opens the poem by saying â€Å"In this country there is neither measure nor balance† (l. 1). This has a negative connotation and is the initial expression of how the speaker uses diction to display negative feelings to society. Another negative connotation is when the speaker calls the clouds â€Å"man-shaming† (l. 3). The speaker also refers to people as â€Å"trolls† (l. 6), insinuating that people are slaves to society. These negative connotations are directed towards the mundane city life with it’s â€Å"labeled elms† (l. 9) and it’s â€Å"tame tea-roses† (l. 9). Another portrayal of the speaker’s mockery of society is the use of sound devices. This is important when considering the diction because the plosive sounds give the reader a subconscious understanding of how the speaker feels. For example, the word â€Å"gesture† (l. 4) presents the naturalistic view on how insignificant people are in comparison to the clouds. As seen in line six, â€Å"trolls† also is used for a sound device coupled with negative connotations. Another example of coupling plosive sounds with negative connotations would be â€Å"Public Gardens† (l. 7). The plosive sound devices are purposefully placed by the speaker to create a more apparent dissatisfaction in his diction. More often than not the speaker makes blatant statements towards the harsh and confining life in the city. By stating â€Å"one wearies of the Public Gardens† (l. 7) the speaker is deliberately pointing to the civilization’s tedious lifestyle. In line 17 the speaker says â€Å"It is comfortable, for a change, to mean so little†. This implies that the speaker’s bondage to society is broken by the freedom of nature. More subtly are sardonic inserts used to portray the speaker’s mocking tone. For example, â€Å"Here on the last frontier of the big, brash spirit: (l. 12) displays a tone of sarcasm towards how cities may view themselves. Whether it is blatant or subtle, the speaker delivers his attitude of mockery through diction. Second, the speaker expresses an attitude of awe towards nature after a tone shift. The tone shift in the beginning of stanza five changes from that of sardonic to admiration. The speaker describes the horizons as being so beautiful that â€Å"the colors assert themselves† (l. 14). Not only does this give an appealing and vibrant connotation. It shows respect for nature’s ability to be independent and control itself with or without the encouragement of man. In line 19 the speaker describes the rocks as â€Å"conceiving a dynasty of perfect cold†. To those who are not like the Two Campers this may be an oxymoron; to the Two Campers it deems true. This quote also shows how the speaker finds refuge in the outdoors. The tone remains to be in veneration but shows more dreamlike characteristics when the speaker announces â€Å"Tell me I’m here† (l. 21). The tone’s tendencies to be rather naturalistic become more apparent in the final two stanzas of the poem. The speaker also uses sound devices to exhibit the comfort of nature. Soft sounds such as â€Å"simplicities sough† (l. 25) and â€Å"Sleepily as Lethe† (l. 26) make lulling and peaceful sounds. Another soft sound used by the speaker is â€Å"lightest sighs† (l. 24). These sounds are comforting to the reader and are deliberately used to create a subtle liking for nature as opposed to the plosive and harsh sounds of the city. The tone shift of stanza five gives way to an important attitude of awe that the speaker portrays with his diction. Another way the speaker portrays the initial attitude of mockery is through figurative language. The speaker uses personification to contribute. The speaker expresses the want of a trip where â€Å"trees and clouds and animals pay no notice† (l. ). Personifying the trees and clouds seems that the speaker is acknowledging that nature is unconcerned with humans and the city due to it being held in such high esteem. It seems that nature looks down upon the city for attempting to mimic or recreate the fresh environment with â€Å"labeled elms† (l. 9) and â€Å"Public Gardens† (l. 7). The speaker further mocks the city by holding nature in such high esteem and becoming bored by the monotonous society, encouraging nature to â€Å"pay no notice† (l. 8). Plath also uses alliteration to mock civilization by calling the tea-roses â€Å"tame† (l. 9). In order to portray the speaker’s attitude in the comparison of nature to civilization, the speaker incorporates symbolism. For example, the speaker states â€Å"The pines blot our voices up in their lightest sighs† (l. 24). This is symbolic of how nature is preventing the troubles of society from disturbing nature and all of it’s grandeur. These figurative language devices contribute significantly to the speaker’s attitude. Unlike the figurative language supporting a sardonic tone to society, other devices are found after the tone shift to contribute to the tone of veneration to nature. The speaker expresses his awe by acknowledging that the country is alive. The speaker says that â€Å"night arrives in one gigantic step† (l. 16). Plath applies personification when at the sunset the â€Å"colors assert themselves† (l. 14). Once again, this gives nature an independence. The speaker uses alliteration, such as â€Å"blank-brained† (l. 27), to reassure the reader that the environment is stress-free. Another example is when the speaker admires the reflection of the stars in a lake by saying â€Å"Planets pulse in the lake like bright amoebas† (l. 23). Coupled with a sound device, the allusion to â€Å"Lethe† (l. 6) refers to the mythological river which was sought after for its peaceful forgetfulness. This also symbolizes the comfort and refuge in the calming wilderness that the speaker finds. The uses of these figurative language devices are greatly significant in the speaker’s expression of attitude. In conclusion, Sylvia Plath’s poem â€Å"Two Campers in Cloud Country† expresses two contrasting attitudes. Through the use of diction and figurative language, the speaker’s attitudes are clearly portrayed. These devices contributed immensely in making concrete the expression of the two tones.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Linguistic Diversity Essay

All children deserve an early childhood program or education that recognizes and respects their family, community, and linguistic diversity. In this nation, there are children of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds. â€Å"For young children to develop and learn optimally, the early childhood professional must be prepared to meet their diverse developmental, cultural, linguistic, and educational needs. Early childhood educators face the challenge of how best to respond to these needs. † (NAEYC, 1991) With that conveyed, I of course, believe that providing a child with quality linguistic diverse classrooms will allow them to grow and learn in a more successful way. Therefore, in this thesis, I will discuss the importance of having family and cultural involvement in language acquisition, formal English in the early childhood classroom and last but not least immersion programs. Let us first define what linguistic miscellany is. â€Å"Linguistically and culturally diverse is an educational term used by the U. S. Department of Education to define children enrolled in educational programs who are either non-English-proficient (NEP) or limited-English-proficient (LEP). Educators use this phrase, linguistically and culturally diverse, to identify children from homes and communities where English is not the primary language of communication. † (Garcia 1991). First learning the families and cultural involvement in language acquisition is essential. In this day and time, one must respect the issue of language in the child’s home. I have come to find in my experience with home visits and conferences that different cultures have different ways of communicating. Research has shown that the substance of family framework in verbal communication achievement is significant as to the â€Å"talkativeness in families in influencing language acquisition rather than the family’s socioeconomic status or ethnic group identity. Differences in language use were attributed to the complex family culture—not simply due to socioeconomic status or ethnic group identity. † (Otto, 2010)Just as your families, have rules for the household as to when children talk and when adults talk, so do other cultures. In some cultures or ethnic background, children are not allowed to talk unless they are spoken too. They are pretty much seen and not heard to an extend. Other cultures I have found that the child is allowed to say no matter how respectful or disrespectful it may be. However, the research has showed that children who are allowed to talk more have been found to score higher in language skills such as vocabulary growth and use. Therefore, these children tend to be more social and successful in all areas of development. Our text states there are five quality features in parents’ language interaction with their children that we can look at to help access them: †¢ Language diversity: the variation and amount of nouns and modifiers used by the parents, †¢ Feedback tone: the positive feedback given to children’s participation in the interaction, †¢ Symbolic emphasis: the emphasis placed on focusing on names and associated relations of the concepts and the recall of those symbols, †¢ Guidance style: parental interaction that used asking rather than demanding in eliciting specific behavior from the child and, †¢ Responsiveness: parental responsiveness to requests or questions initiated by children. (Otto, 2010) All these qualities can help you find the best way to build with the families and child’s language skills. In looking at the qualities of communication with children, we also need to look at the educational activities in the classroom. Instruction activities in the classroom should involve specific types of communication and relations. When teachers are looking at formal English, â€Å"they must remember that the second language must first target language in oral conversational form prior to being able to effectively acquire the academic register and written form used educational setting. † (Otto, 2010) Three approaches that involve precise language competencies related to formal English and academic register. They are: †¢ Cognitive includes written and hands on resources. The strategy must include the procedure that uses the cognitive processes. †¢ Metacognitive includes resources that evaluate their success. Once a child begins to reflect on their own learning, they can then begin to notice how they learn, how others learn and how they might amend how they learn to become more successful. This process may include organizing or planning, managing, monitoring, and then evaluating their learning process. †¢ Social-affective would be a teamwork activity with peers. It can include asking questions to simplify information or self-talking with positive statements. Formal English in the classroom becomes essential in learning especially when moving into higher grades in both verbal and written communication. Finally yet importantly, we need to look at immersion programs. In immersion programs, the intended language is used to instruct regular educational topics such as math and science. Students are then expected to achieve the same standards in these subjects as students learning through the medium of their first language. Immersion programs have goals that include: †¢ â€Å"advanced levels of functional proficiency in second language reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension; †¢ age-appropriate levels of home language competence; †¢ grade-appropriate levels of academic achievement in non-language subjects, such as mathematics; and †¢ an understanding and appreciation of the culture of the target language group. † (LIC, 2008) Teachers in positions that include immersion programs should be fluent in both the language being taught and their first language. Success rates are immense in the United States and continue to sore in the classrooms. Providing opportunities to build language skills is essential in today’s society. We have so many different ethnical and cultural backgrounds. Each language brings a unique and imperative characteristic. We must continue to improve our language skills in ourselves and in the classroom. We do want all students to be victorious and achieve their goals at the highest level possible. I believe it would be a mind-numbing world if we did not have the diversity in this great country of ours. In review, this thesis looked at how family and cultural involvement in language acquisition is important. Formal English in the classroom is essential for a student to reach their highest goal to the fullest and with immersion programs; students can still be unique and successful at the same time. References Hakuta, K. , & E. Garcia. 1989. Bilingualism and education. American Psychologist 44 (2): 374–79. Language Immersion Centre (LIC) 2008 Retrieved from: http://www. kke. ee/index. php? lang=eng&menus_ID=1&pages_ID=1&mark=0 National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education (NAECS/SDE). 1991. Retrieved from: http://www. naeyc. org/files/naeyc/file/positions/PSDIV98. PDF Otto, B. (2010). Language development in early childhood (3rd ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Proposal for Gender Affirmative Action in Europe

When applying for a Job but also to the university, Judging does not have to be only based on your skills, work experience, studies, grades but it can be largely affected also by your gender or race. The proper term for such an action is, â€Å"affirmative action† or â€Å"positive discrimination†. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, affirmative action can be defined as, â€Å"positive steps taken to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education and business from which they have been historically excluded.Recently, there has been a great deal of discussion related to the proposal of European Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Mrs. Viviane Reding. The proposal was on improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges. Furthermore, proposal should ensure that by 2020, at least 40% of women should be represented on supervisory boards and board s of companies with more than 250 employees. According the collected statistics by European Commission, â€Å"women only make up to 15% of non-executive boards and 8,9% of executive boards.First country in EIJ that came with this idea and implemented it was Norway in 2003. However, is such a proposal ethical? On one side, according to Viviane Reding, a glass ceiling still remains and blocks female talent from top positions. On the other side, positive discrimination, (artificially created) of any kind will always lead into reverse discrimination. Also, it violates one of the basic business concepts, speaking that this proposal restricts ownership of shareholders of the companies who have invested their capital.They are not allowed to fully choose their representatives (non- xecutives, executives, management) by their most rational choice. If the shareholders have to take into account other criteria beside the ability of the best representation of the executives and directors, in th is case, they have to decide upon gender. Then, the representation may be at the expense of effectiveness and managing the company which in turn goes to an expense of profits. Another points of view may be taken from the philosophical side. Utilitarian theory can be stated that an action should be based on the outcomes.Firstly, some may say women enhance diversity in the companies. Secondly, having diverse environment may be a key factor for advancements or successful achievements of a company. Lastly, the ultimate end result which could be in a form of disappearance of gender glass ceiling. Looking at the affirmative action through these points, mention outcomes have clearly positive sides. The utilitarian theory can be similarly stated in terms that it tries to maximize happiness and reduce suffering. In such a statement, some cons may appear as well.When applying for the position that is affected by the quotas, more men may be pplied than women and even if the skills of both gend ers would be comparable, in order to fulfill the quotas more/or even only women would be accepted than men. In such a case, majority is harmed and thus it does not maximize the happiness. Not having freedom of choice based on the skills harms majority again, this time the majority is represented by the shareholders and stakeholders and again, it is based on the theory, that the representation of the company will not be chosen in the best possible way, but in order to fulfill the restrictions..Though, these points of view are nly hypothetical. Another well known philosophical theory which may be applied to this topic is Kantian theory. In principle, it states that in order to determine whether or not an action is good or ethical, we should imagine it as a universal law and determine whether or not that would be detrimental or good. Theoretically, such an affirmative action becoming a universal law would not lead into happiness of majority in society. Creating the quotas/regulations i s not solving the problem, it is critical to rather change the approach to women at the workplace.For instance, by using different tools to support the efforts to balance professional life and personal life which allow women to use their education and skills without a need to resign as mother and come to the decision between family and career. In conclusion, European Commissioner Viviane Reding with her proposal met certain supporters particularly in European Commission, but many opponents have argued as well, thus the proposal was postponed for now. I stand up in the opponents side against this proposal as almost any kind of affirmative action leads into reverse discrimination.

Baby Boomer's Clinic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Baby Boomer's Clinic - Research Paper Example Women with maternity HMO coverage include the wellness visit of the baby’s first year. Weakness: - Patients without any HMO coverage will most likely default on their payment. Most employers do not carry maternity and extended coverage for family members. The number of potential patients with HMO coverage may not reach critical mass. Parents may not be receptive to the idea of having their infants undergo dieting and exercising at a very early age. Developing a wellness program for every infant may require expensive diagnostic evaluation to ensure that it will not be adverse to the infant’s medical condition. Opportunities: - Providing OB-GYN services can create a natural market for the Wellness baby services. Being a Vaccination Center for the State or Federal Government can create awareness for the clinic’s wellness program. A generic wellness program that will work across a wider infant population without the need for expensive diagnostic testing will be a valuable asset that can be sold to the public. Strategy to address weakness: - During the patient pre-screening, HMO coverage detail will be obtained and verified. If there is no coverage, payment can be demanded outright before the patient is seen by the doctor. Sign-up to be an HMO accredited clinic to ensure steady and guaranteed revenue from covered patients. The HMO itself will do the marketing for the clinic amongst each member. Parents should be informed of the benefits of a wellness program its effect on the financial health of the family. The medical benefits of the wellness program to the infant itself should be highlighted. A generic wellness program can be formulated and continuously improved so that it will be applicable to a wider cross section of the infant population. Continuous testing of infants that are admitted to the wellness program should be noted. The data will be added to the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Nike Growth Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nike Growth Strategy - Essay Example At the time of entering foreign markets such as Japan, Europe, and others Nike Inc used the strategy of opening flagship stores and franchise. Flagship stores proved quite successful for Nike Inc due to its strength of generating compelling products that might excite the target customers. Major befit of franchising is that the company does not have to take the total risk of foreign investment. The franchise owners take all possible risks and also finance the maximum percentage of start-up cost. On the other side, the company takes more than 50% of profit for from the franchisees as their brand value. This is one most cost-effective entry process of any business for foreign market entry. Along with franchising, the company also prefer opening of flagship stores in new markets as an effective entry mode. Though this mode is comparatively more cost and risk associated strategy the company can present strong market awareness and brand presence in the new market. Again, the flagship store mode of entry allows the company to enjoy 100% profit from sold goods in these stores. In 1992, the company under consideration decided to enter India in association with SIEPL or Siera Industrial Enterprise Private Limited. The objective of Nike was to tap the Indian market and to receive royalties. The WestEnd Store of the company is the resultant of partnership with Timera Group which is also a leader in the wholesale and retail manufacturing across the areas of U.S., Europe, and the Middle East.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

HIT Terminology Table Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HIT Terminology Table - Coursework Example The varied clinical systems that range from patient diagnosis to surgery need a developed system that result to code compliant. Create a table listing the attributes and capabilities for the four health care terminologies you select. For each terminology, provide the following information in a table: Domain, Type of identifiers, Example of one identifier, Key interoperability issues (if applicable) LOINC -Observation Identifier Names and Codes provides a universal code system that reports laboratory and other clinical observations in electronic messages such as health level seven (HL7) observation messages (McDonald, et al. 2003). This terminology is accepted in; health maintenance organizations, hospitals, public health department, pharmaceutical manufactures, and researchers. Health Care Terminologies and Standards provides the umbrella framework that describe the comprehensive management of health care terminologies across computerized systems that provides efficiency, interoperability and reliability(Sensmeier, Halley, & Brokel 2009). A standardized terminologies is increasingly viewed as a promising tool that will improve efficiency of health delivery system especially administrative efficiency McDonald, CJ., Huff, SM., Suico, JG., Hill, G., Leavelle, D., Aller, R.,†¦ Maloney P. LOINC, a universal standard for identifying laboratory observations: A 5-Year update. Clinical Chemistry 2003; 49:624-633. Retrieved from: Sensmeier, J., & Brokel, J. M., (2009). Nurses exchanging information: Understanding electronic health record standards and interoperability. Urologic Nursing, 29(5), 305–314. Retrieved from:

Monday, August 26, 2019

Global Warming effects human health Research Paper

Global Warming effects human health - Research Paper Example The research paper â€Å"Global Warming effects human health† describes various deteriorating health threats one is going to experience during his lifespans due to the reduced air quality and dreadful conditions of food and water to growing amounts of allergens and disastrous weather events. At present there is general unanimity that the Earth is warming at a faster level than the previous century’s where hunter-gatherer human existence. The previous decade was the warmest from the time when instrumental archives initiated in the nineteenth century. The reasons of this change are more and more well assumed that there is fresh and sturdier proof that most of the warming witnessed over the last fifty years is possibly ascribed by human actions, primarily the release of greenhouse gases produced from fossil fuels. Anxieties on the typical weather system are already producing effects on Earth’s surface. These comprise not only mounting surface temperatures, however, as well more and more recurrent floods and droughts, and variations in normal ecologies, for example earlier flowering of vegetation, and pole ward movements in the dispersal of numerous species. Such vicissitudes are intimately related to human health. Weather conditions disturb human health, through the bodily effects of weather excesses, and secondarily, through effects on the levels of contamination in the air, on the farming, marine and freshwater schemes that offer food and water, and pathogens that result in communicable ailments. This paper mainly explains health impacts of global warming, climate change, deforestation, global warming, greenhouse effect, and greenhouse gases (McMichael). Global Warming Global warming is well documented by researchers all over the globe as a crucial community health and ecological anxiety. Mainly because of the use of fossil fuels, bigger levels of greenhouse gases in the air are resulting in greater global temperatures that cause adverse eco logical, air quality and human health concerns. The report on climate change by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2007, global temperatures have increased by 1.3?F over the previous century and are expected to rise between 2? and 11.5?F by 2100, Global warming has been perceived to reduce air quality, escalating sea levels, melting glaciers, dangerous hurricanes, more strong and extended droughts, more recurrent heat waves, forest fires and other threats to human health. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) stated that greenhouse gases cause air contamination and threaten the civic health and well-being of present and upcoming generations. California’s civic health toll due to air pollution is currently very high, and upshots in billions of dollars in healthcare costs each year as of early deaths and remedial mediations (see table-1for statistics). The California Air Resources Board (CARB) evaluations that revelation to harmful leve ls of Particulate matter and ozone adds to huge number of early deaths, asthma attacks, and admittance to hospitals and lots of lost school and work days from breathing and cardiac diseases each year. Particulate matter estimates for the major early demises linked with air contamination, even though ozone adds to hundreds of early deaths each year in California. Contact to great levels of air contaminants, as well as particle pollution, besides has been made known to lessen lung development and function in children, causing in weak lungs (Children’

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Analysis of Hiibel Vs. Nevada Case Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of Hiibel Vs. Nevada Case - Term Paper Example In Hiibel vs. Nevada, the court held that the stop and identify laws of Nevada does not violate the Fourth and Fifth Amendment of the constitution, which protects a person against detention or when a person faces the threat of being apprehended (Hibbel v. Nevada†¦). Thus the majority of the court supported the fact that stopping a person and asking for identity did not violate the Fourth and Fifth Amendment when circumstances showed that there is a probable cause to believe that the accused may have committed a crime and the accused was not in danger of being apprehended by disclosing his identity. The dissent showed that some judges opined otherwise. In Terry vs. Ohio, the court held that police officers can stop and search a person even when there is no probable cause and there is reasonable suspicion. In such case, the search won’t violate the Fourth Amendment. Whereas, in Brown vs. Texas it was held that Texas’s stop and identify law was unconstitutional as it violated the Fourth Amendment. Though, Brown vs. Texas seems to be going against the decision of the previous two cases but it is actually not so. The Texas law declared every person a criminal who does not identify himself. It does not exclude the person against whom there is no reasonable suspicion or probable cause, and this makes it unconstitutional. On the other hand, Hiibel vs. Nevada and Terry vs. Ohio had probable cause and reasonable cause respectively. Thus, the law derived through the dissent is, when there is probable cause and reasonable cause the application of stop and identify laws by the officer will be absolutely legal and when it not the re it will be illegal. The dissent also makes it clear that on the same condition the stop and identify laws of the state will be valid or invalid.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Proposals for any topic in banking managment Essay

Proposals for any topic in banking managment - Essay Example All these funds are to be deployed in various avenues considering the risk and return factors. These avenues are, however, not alike in their returns. The assets, such as cash in hand, money at call and short notice, are held as per the liquidity requirements, and the return on these funds is almost zero, except money at call and short notice. Investments under Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) serve the purpose of liquidity as well as income. (Alberto and Lapuz, 2005, 7)The rate of return on such investments should be adequate enough to cover financial and operating costs. Further, lending is a significant area of employment of funds in terms of size of funds involved as well as quantum of revenue generated. However, it carries a high degree of credit risk. In addition, banks also use a portion of their funds for creating their business infrastructure, which facilitates an enabling environment to conduct business and generate income. Efficient management of funds essentially includes raising of funds and their use in the manner that generates revenues sufficient to meet the operational as well as financial costs and contributes a reasonable return on capital. Thus, the objective of earning profits shall be fulfilled by an appropriate design of funds management on sound commercial principles.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Ethics of Citibank Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Ethics of Citibank - Research Paper Example As a means of understanding the ethical ramifications of the collapse and the contributing factors that ultimately led up to it, the analysis will first delve into something of a historical analysis of the collapse so that the key decisions that Citibank made leading up to and just prior to the collapse can be understood within a broader appreciation for the means by which successive ethical oversights and dependency behavior created the perfect something of a perfect storm that has affected untold millions around the world and cost untold trillions in loss to the global economy. Moreover, it is the hope of this author that such an analysis will help the reader to not only come to an appreciation for ethical factors and the impacts that they can have but to create a sense of urgency within the mind of the reader to integrate with ethical decision making at each and every step of the business process. As such, the forthcoming analysis will break down the financial collapse and subsequ ent ethical oversights into two main sectors; those dealing with the ethical oversights that existed prior to the crash and contributed to the global financial meltdown (evidenced within Citibank), and those ethical oversights that took place after the crash and fundamentally concerned appropriation and disbursal of stimulus funding. Taking the more recent situation first, it can be noted that in excess of 220 billion USD was allocated to Citibank by the Federal government as a result of TARP. The initial reason for this allocation was of course the fact that the Federal government and key decision makers within the Federal Reserve felt that without TARP stimulus it would be highly possible that the poor investment structure of Citibank could lead to its collapse. Due to the fact that Citibank and others were labeled as â€Å"too big to fail†, it was determined that it was vitally necessary to transfer this massive amount of money from the taxpayers into the coffers of some of the largest financial institutions in the world. Not surprisingly, Citibank and others were none to alarmed with such a rapid increase in the overall level of money that they could leverage to meet their liabilities. Unfortunately, rather than leveraging this money and immediately doing a thorough audit of their firm to ensure that k ey standards were being met and no such situation as had been witnessed the following year could ever occur again, the key ethical oversight of merely continuing to conduct business as usual was witnessed. Certainly, it can be noted that Citibank and others met minimum federal requirements; however, a proactive stance in seeking to maximize their shareholders utility and minimize any potential and lingering levels of ethical oversights was not engaged. Moreover, it can also be noted that one of the first major managerial decisions that was made after the financial collapse and subsequent federal disbursal of bailout funds was with relation to liberal bonuses for many of the top leadership positions within Citibank. This serves as perhaps the most visible ethical oversight that this brief analysis will analyze. The news media soon picked up on this revelation and broadcast the names and actual bonus levels that many of these upper

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Emotional Intelligence Essay Example for Free

Emotional Intelligence Essay The pursuit of knowledge through education entails the many manifestations and progressive procedure of one’s emotion. Human nature previously regarded intelligence as the primary component of learning and eventually as the main source of success. In the modern educational or learning setting, however, a person’s emotional intelligence is now supposed to be of equal authority and even better than intellect as far as its benefits are concern. Hence, based from its advantageous implications to the filed of education or teaching particularly in contemporary schools, emotional intelligence is not to be ignored as a vital requirement of education. The principle concerning the significant nature and value of emotional intelligence in today’s learning is depicted with various circumstances where one’s emotions play very notable part and effect. Considering a person’s varying feelings in response to different life events and realities, it can now be noted that the level of emotional aptitude of a person measures his strength and ability to handle a situation. Most importantly, an individual’s emotional intelligence determines the eventuality of failure and attainment of success. Thus, this is where emotional intelligence apparently matters more because it is able to provide people with success as compared with intelligence quotient. Nowadays, emotional intelligence is subjected to the requirements and challenges of the teaching field. Since people and the society have acknowledged the undeniable positive impacts of emotional intelligence to education, it is then just empirical to pursue further this concept. This is because an increased awareness and involvement by the people as regard the quality and implications of emotional intelligence will definitely work to the advantages of the majority of the population and the communities where they belong. Since learning is determined by how people manage their emotions, then it can be implied that one’s feeling is a factor in determining success or that it can even be considered as a tool to improve education among students. It is, in fact, essential to assist students identify how their respective emotional intelligence will lead them to success or not. Lastly, it is also fortunate that considerable fresh perspectives about how the intellect creates human emotions were already realized. This is for the reason that the brain now creates ways on how emotional intelligence influences, affects and works to the benefit of student’s education. â€Å"Emotional Intelligence† Book, an Overview The above-mentioned hypothesis was clearly illustrated in the 1995 book of Daniel Goleman entitled â€Å"Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. † The author provided the public with apparently compelling proofs that the emotional intelligence quotient or a student’s level of emotional intelligence is equally valuable in achieving educational success as what cognitive intelligence, as gauged by IQ or SAT percentages, provide (Goleman, 1995). The book opened with an account of how brain functions in relation to one’s emotions. Thereafter in the middle part of the book, Goleman supplemented the rationale behind how to wisely handle emotion and eventually revealed the benefits derived from such thereby proving that it has more substance than IQ. In conclusion, Golemen provided the public with true-to-life manifestations which established the value of emotional intelligence as it performs a more fundamental function in human’s search and eventual attainment of success (Goleman, 1995). Intelligence quotient was previously regarded as the major deciding factor in one’s accomplishment. In the book, this was disputed by Goleman who stated that human’s perspective on IQ is, in fact, a distant and slender version of reality. The book instead stressed the principle of emotional intelligence as the ultimate determinant of a person’s success. Goleman discussed emotional intelligence based from the aspects of one’s consciousness, selflessness, motivation, understanding as well as power to offer love and other endearing emotions while at the same time being loved by people around him (Goleman, 1995). Additionally, the book presented various incidents which proved how people, who exemplified high levels of emotional intelligence and who nurtured their existing emotional strengths, were able to achieve success in their respective areas. In Goleman’s view, emotional intelligence is not inherited or already innate at birth but it can be developed as person matures and its benefits are eventually attained (Goleman, 1995). Focusing on the field of education, the entire book evidently centered its discussion on the emotional intelligence among the students of the young generation. It is at this point that Golemen called on educators and other concerned people in the area of learning to clearly explain to students the nature of emotional intelligence and its evidently positive implications as far as the education of the young ones (Goleman, 1995). In imparting the value of a student’s emotional literacy, the Goleman book also requested the parents to pay attention to the emotional necessities of their children. Adults, on the other hand, need to immediately educate themselves to deal with their respective interpersonal affiliations in a wise manner. Ultimately, the book heightened the beneficial implications of emotional intelligence in the field of education as manifested by the accounts of success which were attributed to the said Goleman concept (Goleman, 1995). â€Å"Emotional Intelligence,† a Critical Analysis The Goleman book is worthy to be examined by presenting the worth or impacts of emotional intelligence as it is compared with IQ and applied in the several stages of human development. Initially based from the characteristic of the human brain, the principle of emotional intelligence as provided by the book concretely challenged that one’s intellect is subjected to limitations. The said position of the book has a sense because in reality, a person is considered intelligent and has a well-defined logic or reasoning aptitude yet this does not holds true as far as decision-making is concern. The book is to be commended with the said stand that the worth of the human brain should not be the determining factor of aptitude but rather one’s emotional intelligence which provides the logic behind every decision. In short, this position is best explained wherein people experience various situations and promptly decide by conforming to what their emotions dictate or simply based from how they feel at the moment and definitely not according to what their mind think. The book specifically illustrated the said position with its initial discussion about the complicated system of the human brain. In particular, the portions of the book where a person’s reaction to a snake as well as the presentations made by Goleman concerning several subject matters such as depression, nervousness, post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, drug dependency and misuse, teenage pregnancy and issues on human relationships are all corroborating facts which confirm the principle that emotional intelligence really matters more than IQ (Goleman 1995). While Goleman was criticized for his apparent inclination towards the promotion of emotional intelligence only among children, he is nonetheless acclaimed for such effort. This is because the book has, in fact, succeeded in imparting the beneficial implications of emotional intelligence especially in the field of education of the young students. In particular, the author is to be credited for his suggestion about several procedures of how to improve the emotional intelligence of children, which he proposed to be done from their schools into their respective homes. Hence, the author is correct with his observation that children particularly students turn out to manifest an increased degree of depression, sadness, hostility and rowdiness as they mature or are provided with more academic information. The book is logical when it attributed the said blunders to children’s limited or even lack of emotional intelligence. The pieces of evidence provided by the book regarding the effects of emotional instability among children need to be concurred by the public. This is because an aggravated level of emotional predicament is possible if the issue is not immediately addressed, if not solved. Emotional intelligence as the book implied, on the other hand, is of similar benefit to the adults. That is why the criticisms, which the book got for it reportedly fell short in discussing emotional intelligence among adults, are not justified. In fact, Goleman has comprehensively discussed the importance of adult’s emotional aptitude and stability because it is perceived that logic or the appropriate level of reasoning of an adult is adequately needed for human relationships. The book is truthful with its revelation that an adult is required to be stable with his emotional intelligence in order to achieve well-accepted interpersonal relations with others. This position was appropriately supported with portions of the book which explained the reason behind the emotions’ creation of several reactions and how an adult gets used to such incidents. In particular, a reader may even feel that Goleman is directly addressing the issues by providing his personal insights about life realities which require the application of emotional intelligence. Other issues discussed by the book are of equal significance in the author’s efforts to explain the value of emotional intelligence in adult’s life. Goleman was rational when he wrote that emotional urges usually surpass the procedure of applying logical thinking. This is primarily what his principle of emotional intelligence suggests. That is, in specific incidents in human life, a person is likely to respond in a way what his emotions dictate as correct reaction rather than what the mind implies to assume and reason out. Simply put, emotional desires supersede the course of logical and coherent thinking. While the public apparently regarded that the book resulted into an unusual debate when it stated that emotional intelligence has a higher percentage of status and applicability than IQ, Goleman should not be totally blamed for neglecting the value of academic abilities. This is because his emotional intelligence principle was in accordance to what the results of his studies implied as well as what his observations suggested. Although the disapproval against the Goleman book may have its justification, it is still fair to note that the author did not totally set aside the worth of IQ or intellectual capabilities in general. What Goleman just did was to destroy the incorrect declarations of IQ testing that it is the ultimate determining factor of success and one’s proficiency. Goleman, through the book, just put the issue in its right perspective. When Goleman claimed that emotional intelligence possess around 80 percent while IQ only has 20 percent as their respective contribution to one’s success, what he really tried to impart is that the said due significance of the two elements was based from what people portray as they respond to life eventualities. Based from the accumulated facts by the author, the book was able to illustrate a more transparent image when a person has to react to an incident wherein, while human both considers both his mind and feeling, he is still inclined to decide over a situation based from what he feels and this is where emotional intelligence sets in. The book was also justified in its suggestion that it is not the human IQ percentage which eventually determines one’s triumph or failure. Thus, what the book and its author presented as components of success, such as the manifestations of emotional intelligence, are things which should not be out rightly disregarded. Goleman was able to support his emotional intelligence principle by providing studies which showed that people with high IQ percentages did not eventually succeed in life or attained any substantial achievements. Instead, the book succeeded in proving that even people with low IQ percentages succeed in the end precisely because they possess an impressively high level of emotional intelligence. Implications in Contemporary Education As previously stated, emotional intelligence is not an inherent ability. One way of emphasizing this idea is the effort made by the Goleman book that people can nurture such principle from the educational system. In fact, the author emphasized that it is critical that emotional intelligence is cultivated as children are introduced to formal learning until they reach their adulthood. This was made known by the book because of the apparent beneficial implications that emotional intelligence provide to people and the society in general. It is in this aspect that both educators and students benefit from reading the book primarily due to its main objective which is to impart the value and advantages of adhering to the nature of emotional intelligence. With learning institutions existing naturally wherein the students and the information derived from such field interact and are connected with each other, it is just practical that it is the proper venue where emotional intelligence may effectively manifest its value and usefulness. This is because it is in schools where students, while learning, are subjected to various incidents which test their respective emotional intelligence capabilities. Appropriate and acceptable responses to these situations are then considered to be as concrete manifestations of the power of emotional intelligence among students. The issue whether emotional intelligence fits the educational system is based according to the implications of the said philosophy to contemporary learning. Given the modern academic standard, it is logical to state that emotional intelligence directly affects how students are taught with various topics and that their specific responses to every situation depict how a high level of emotional intelligence really matter more as far as making decisions are required. While Goleman indicated that it is not totally easy to impart emotional intelligence in today’s school particularly to the level of young students, there are specific ways where the said ability can be used and eventually achieve its purpose of leading the young one into the eventuality of achieving success in the future. Through the guidance of the book and the suggestions offered by Goleman, the public was provided with the idea on how to have emotion-based incidents and emotional intelligence best suit the field of learning. Implications of incorporating emotional intelligence in educational programs are, in fact, existing and are proven in the formulation of curriculum in various learning facilities. Once the principle of emotional intelligence is imparted in education, students manifest self-awareness wherein they monitor and acknowledge their own emotions and they eventually are able to identify the link between ideas, emotions and responses. Additionally, the decision-making ability of students is enhanced by emotional intelligence because they are able to study their actions and the effects of the decision to a particular incident. Above all, emotional intelligence when put into the educational structure ultimately develop one’s overall personality as the students are able to manage their emotions, deal with stress, enhance interpersonal relationship and most importantly develop their individual accountability and ability to correctly resolve problems. Conclusion The principle of emotional intelligence is by itself can be considered as valuable in today’s education. Goleman and his book made it more clear, acceptable and beneficial to the public hence I personally like and commend it. Above all, the book succeeded in its main argument that emotional intelligence is definitely more important than IQ based from the advantageous implications it provided to today’s students. Beyond the controversy, the book ultimately served its very purpose of offering the students and educational system an alternative learning principle which is better or has more substance than what already exists. Reference Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. New York, NY: Bantam.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Functionalist Views on Religion Essay Example for Free

Functionalist Views on Religion Essay The functionalist view of religion stems from Durkheim who said that society is like the human body. He argued that that religion reinforces collective conscience that leads to a unity within society as a whole and that each member of the society is joined in solidarity, therefore it acts as glue. It does so by reinforcing social norms and values that bring the community together. It allows people to accept that society is about more than just the individual. However this can be questioned as western societies such as Britain are becoming increasingly secular. This means that they don’t believe in religion as much, and therefore how can religion act as a collective conscience. People are turning to science as a way of life, theories which head down the evolutionary approach. It suggests that the theory is out of date. Malinowski looked at the psychological function of religion. This looked at when things such as funerals and divorce occur. Religion acts as an act of hope which allows individuals to feel at ease when they are increasingly stressed out. They are brought together like a community within things like a funeral because it allows the individual to grieve but collectively with active members of the family and church/synagogue/mosque etc. At times of uncertainty and stress, religion helps people to gain control of themselves again, and community acts like funerals progress that. This is supported by the study of the Trobriand Islanders. The fisherman had a number of prayer rituals which they performed before going out to sea. They did this as a group of individuals to have a sense of a belonging to a community of fishermen. They would not perform these then they were sailing because of safety. Malinowski suggested that the threat of the open sea to them, was like a threat to the stability of their community and therefore they had to perform those prayer rituals to prevent that from happening. However Marxists would criticise this and say that actually religion teaches people social control. And actually when people have grieved at a funeral it doesn’t allow them to fully express their grief, they are socially controlled into â€Å"getting over it† which is morally wrong. Parsons agreed with Malinowski and Durkheim, but went further and suggested that religion provided answers to unanswered questions about the meaning of life, and about things like death, it also prevented anomie. He agreed that religion promotes social solidarity, and agreed that it helps in times of stress. EG during the Second World War, people began to gather together in churches as a community as a source of comfort. Bellah suggested that there were functional alternatives to religion known as â€Å"civil religion†, which brought whole countries together regardless of their faith but on behalf of a civil religion. He suggested that instead of religion facing secularisation it is facing transformation into isms such as Americanism. Uses religious images to promote national identity, EG in America having â€Å"God bless America† on coins or the Queen’s coronation in Britain. It is an act that allows the country to come together without questions of ethnicity, gender, religion etc. The functionalist theory of religion benefits wider society and the individual through marriage, bar mitzvahs, christenings, pilgrimages to Mecca/Lourdes, praying the holy books – Quran, Bible, Torah, and things like hymns. Religion helps to bring communities together and also helps individuals who may not feel wanted, welcomed into religious practices. However, contemporary examples suggest that religion doesn’t bind people together at all; in fact it allows the complete opposite. For example, in Northern Ireland there is conflict between the Catholics and the Protestants, which suggests that religion doesn’t help equality between religious groups. And as functionalism is a consensus theory it is doing the actual opposite – allowing conflict. Functionalism has been criticised because of today’s multicultural society. Theorists such as post-modernists are questioning whether religion can actually integrate a multi-faith society, where lots of small groups have different religious views. They would agree that Durkheim’s view of religion was accurate for a primitive society but not for a complex society such as today. Many other theorists have criticised functionalists and their theories about religion. Marxists would argue that religion oppresses groups of women and the poor, so how can religion benefit the individual or society. If an individual is being separated due to his/her gender and class then how can religion allow them to fit into a community when the elites would look down upon them. People recognise that Bellah’s approach of civil religion begins to overcome the problem, but again can something like Americanism be considered as a religion, especially if there is no belief in he supernatural? Some people would argue that religion is spread as a plan to spring hatred on one group of people. It benefits one group but puts down another. Today’s example would be of Pastor Terry Jones, wanting to burn the Quran. He brought about this plan to make Muslims angry, and therefore how can a group of Muslims be part of a community when someone in a position like his can provide such hatred for another religious group. It goes back to the question of integrating a multi-faith society. Granted that the church proposing this was small, but sometimes minority influence has an impact which is why it was all over the media. This provides evidence that religion isn’t able to benefit society or an individual because certain groups are always made to feel alienated, from a mainstream trend. To conclude, religion is inevitably able to help people in terms of crises, and does prevent anomie, but on the other hand it does allow for social cohesion to break down, as hatred for religious groups grow subtly in countries.

Gastronomy And Food Within The Tourism Industry Tourism Essay

Gastronomy And Food Within The Tourism Industry Tourism Essay Over the time, the term of gastronomy was defined in many ways and it is constantly changing. There is wide range of definitions but it was initially used to describe sophisticated dishes prepared for the upper class. As Hjalager Richards (2002) show, a different version of the original definition of gastronomy in the early year, the concept is defined as a process of excellence which involve a reflecting eating, cooking and preparation as well as the general presentation and production. As it is generally agreed food is a vital component of our daily life. But as a tourism product, gastronomy is a distinctive experience which involves food and wine tasting of local food and wine productions (Buhalis and Costa, 2006). A tourist has to eat and somewhat participate in local food experiences; therefore, gastronomy has always been part of a tourist experience. In the recent years, the identification of tourism gastronomy has changed in term of the integration within the tourism industry and as a valued asset. Although, that tourists do not always take part of experiencing local food production due to a lack of interest which lay certain limit on tourism gastronomy experience, its represent a real benefit for some destinations. Tourism gastronomy still a new field of research but as a growing development product, it has opened a new special interest products such as wines routes, food fairs and short breaks. The main keys finding of researches on tourism gastronomy were encompassed in two English literature books, that is Tourism and gastronomy by Hjalager A.M. Richards G. (2002) and Food Tourism Around the world, Development, Management and Markets by Hall M.C. et al (2003). The perspective of food in tourism industry is widely disputed but mostly agreed that tourism product specialised on food experiences ameliorate the possibility of enhancing the destination marketing opportunities, the economic relation between agricultural production and tourism as well as traditional activities (Buhalis and Costa, 2006 Roberts and Hall, 2001). Moreover, studies have demonstrated that the gastronomy is the core of tourist experience and a source of identity for most of the post-industrial societies (Roberts Hall, 2001). Van Westering (1999) describes gastronomy has the key of many features of tourism experience and part of the culture which influence other aspects of culture. Furthermore, gastronomy plays a big role in tourism industry as well as cultural development and sustainability of a tourism heritage. The relation between them is a key motivator which influence tourist to travel. Although, the perception of gastronomy is defined as an identity of culture by many authors (Hjalager Corigliano, 2000) and connected to the tourists who use holiday as a way to discover the insight of different cultures. Corriea et al add that gastronomy is not only the central part of culture but an important element of a traditional portfolio of cultural products such as architecture and monuments. Indeed, gastronomy is ranked on the most important attributes of a destination. Due to the implication of gastronomy in decision making of tourist destination, it has become the attention of the marketing of tourist des tination as well as tourism policies (Kivela Crotts 2006 and Du Rand Heath 2006).The gastronomy is part of the culture, heritage and history of a country and those aspects influence the tourist choice to choose is future destination. Hall (2003) shows, that the traditional source of revenue in occurrence agriculture is not sufficient enough whereas food production and tourism are progressively becoming a possible and sustainable source of economy in rural areas. Boyne Hall (2002) cited in Hall (2003) emphasis the contribution of local community in occurrence businesses which have an important role for the sustainability of the development of food tourism within those areas. Wood (2001) cited in Hall et al (2003) further insists on the role of the food tourism which will benefit economically as well as strengthening local identity and community pride. The WTO (2004) describes the sustainability as values which are connected to tourism development in term of economic, socio-cultural a nd environmental aspects. The regions which adopted gastronomy as culture identity often associated to regional culture are part of sustainable development of tourism destinations. Scarpato (2000) cited in Hjalager Richards (2002) shows that the sustainability of gastronomy is the importance of producing environmentally sensitive food and preparing it with excellence in order to nourish the mind and body. In the book Tourism and Gastronomy by Hjalager Richards (2002), tree cases was critically evaluates by Scarpato and she determines that gastronomy researches could provide great influence on communities policies in order to improve sustainable development. This new form of tourism experience has taken shape during the last decades and emerged with the globalisation of foods products, also known as Macdonaldisation (Hall, 2003). Hall (2003) emphasizes that in the post-modern time gastronomy has been affected by the globalisation in term of blurring the boundary of the cultural and notional identity. In fact, the external food imports influence the local level of gastronomy (traditional cuisine). But Urry (1992) states by defending the post-modernism in term of tourist behaviour than tourists are aware that tourism is a series of games with multiple texts and no single, authentic tourist experience. And tourists allow most of the heritage products to avoid vanishing. Controversy, Cohen and Avieli (2004) stat, that local cuisine should be filtered in accordance to the tourism-oriented culinary establishments in order to become a popular attraction. Moreover, new cultural products are created in tourism cuisine, indeed the local cuisine an d foreign dishes are transformed and adapted to the tourist taste by tourism. However, the sustainability of tourism or responsible tourism is neglected if such processes are undertaken in tourism gastronomy. The authenticity of the food experience should be endorsed by the participation of hotels and restaurants by procurement of locally grown product and produce while respecting the protection of the environment. The degree of integration of gastronomy within the tourism industry could be ameliorate and fully accepted as a tourism and cultural resource as gastronomy contribute already to the sustainability of tourism. The implication of tourism organisation, local communities and producers could take a different approach and all stakeholders should cooperate in order to improve the implantation of sustainable tourism. More research in food and gastronomy tourism will help in the future to identify tourist profiles for each destination or specific region in order to conduct more targeted offers. Annotated Bibliography Buhalis, D., Costa, C. (2006): Tourism business frontiers; consumers, products and industry, Oxford, Elsevier LTD Correia, A.,et al (2008), The determinants of gastronomic tourists satisfaction: a second-order factor analysis 19: 3, 164 176 This article helps to understand the degree of importance of tourist satisfaction and how it affects in a destination. Du Rand, G.E., Heath, E. (2006): Towards a framework for food tourism as an element of destination marketing. Current Issues in Tourism 9:206 34. Hall, C.M., et al. (2003): Food Tourism Around the world, Development, Management and Markets. United Kingdom, Butterworth Heinemann Hjalager, A., Richards, G. (2002), Tourism and gastronomy, London/NewYork, Routedge Kivela, J., Crotts, J.C. (2006): Tourism and gastronomy: gastronomys influence on how tourists experience a destination. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research 30:35477. Roberts, L., Hall, D. (2001): Rural tourism and recreation; principle to practice, Wallingford (UK), CABI Publishing Urry, J., (2002): The Tourist Gaze. 2nd Edition, London, Sage Van Westering, J., (1999): Heritage and gastronomy: The pursuits of the new tourist, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 5: 2, 75 81 This article help to understand the relation between gastronomy and heritage and the key motivator which will push the tourist to choose a destination. Xore, A., et al (2006): Tourism quality agro-food products: an opportunity for the Spanish countryside 97: 2, 166 176 This article help to understand the relation between tourism gastronomy and agricultural production and traditional production.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Caring for Children :: Anne Bradstreet

â€Å"No cost nor labour did I spare† is a phrase every mother lives by. It shows that a mother loves her children so much that she will give anything up just so her children can reach success in life. The way this is written suggests that there was no thought involved in making this decision, the mother did not even think about it for a second, she knew immediately that she would not spare any cost or labor for her child. Anne Bradstreet is the author who wrote this, suggesting that the most important thing in her entire life is her kid’s success in life. In the poem â€Å"In Reference to Her Children,† author Anne Bradstreet demonstrates her love for her children by raising her children with pain and care, watching concernedly her children grow up, and wanting to be with them in the afterlife. Anne Bradstreet loves her children so much because she raised them all with pain and care. Bradstreet often talks about her children loving people, and people loving them, â€Å"And with her mate flew out of sight† (14) and out of her reach so she can not watch over them. Bradstreet’s strong Puritan heritage gives her unquestionable belief that God is watching over her children for her, and her children are watching for God. With this relationship between her and God, Anne Bradstreet accepts the departure of her children. In this poem Anne Bradstreet talks about success, â€Å"Coupled with mate loving and true† (23) this is Bradstreet’s idea of success for her children in this poem. Anne Bradstreet’s idea of success is so much more than just this line, in the fact that she wants her children to be educated, and live good productive Christian lives. All of these things are implied in the poem as simple as finding a mate and â€Å"flying† off. A devoted mother, Anne Bradstreet is concerned with her children as she watches them grow up. â€Å"Or lest by Lime-twigs they be foil'd, or by some greedy hawks be spoil'd† Anne Bradstreet uses to describe her fear for her children. Not wanting to see her children suffer, Anne Bradstreet turns to God to help her children. Bradstreet imagines her bird’s being stuck on a branch and a hawk eating them, a grim image of all of her sacrifice being lost in a single moment. â€Å"No cost nor labour did I spare† describes how much Anne loves her children.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Personal Narrative - Mother Ireland :: Example Personal Narratives

Mother Ireland My family is proud to boast a long and rich history mothered by the Emerald Isle of Erin, which is Gaelic for Ireland. My family's clan was first called the O'Neills, and we inhabited the outskirts of a small village which now goes by the name of County Cork. We were minstrels, actors and musicians in the courts of our family's home for many generations. An interesting piece of recent history about my family is that we are closely related to the Kennedys on my father's side. My grandmother was one of the Davises, who in some way were related intimately to the Fitzgeralds, who were John F. Kennedy's mother's close family. And not too many people know this, but one of the young Kennedy ladies had the good fortune of marrying the famous Mr. Arnold Schwartzenagger. I wish to go even farther back, though, to the era of the Medieval Renaissance on the Isle, when my family owned their own lands and estate, and the head of our family was known as one of the first rulers of Ireland. Our family's castle and lands remain standing to this day, but are inhabited by no one for failure to pay twenty million dollars in back taxes over the past three hundred years. So now our family's castle sits as a tourist attraction on the coast of Erin, as a reminder of the rich and time-honored beauty it has brought and will always bring to the Island. Our family owes its debt of gratitude to one young man. The rule who was living in our family's castle at the time had two sons. At the time, having two sons meant that the ruler would have to entrust his lands and properties to one of them when he died. Since the ruler could not decide whom to entrust the castle to, he told them to have boat race around the shores of Roan Innish ("Isle of the Seals, a small island off the coast of Ireland). So it was determined that whoever was first to touch the shoreline on the other side of the island would inherit all of his father's wealth. Well, the race was long and hard, and the younger son grew so tired that he could not row one second longer even though he was so close to the shoreline.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

â€Å"Trust is only a five letter word but it can be misused in so many ways.† I am glad to be here today with you in what will impact many lives of teenagers and their families. What I’m explaining about is sexual abuse in teenagers. Nearly 1.5 million high schools students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year. Let’s stop abuse! How can America change? How well these changes improve lives of teenagers? Sexual Abuse is pressuring a human into a sexual activity. Ages between sixteen and twenty-four are most likely to get abuse. These teens who gets sexual abuse is from their former or current relationship. When someone is abuse they are too scared to tell anyone. About 46 % of rapes and sexual assaults are reported to the police.When girls are raped they are taking immediately to medical assistance, but some girls are not taking to see medical assistance because they are scared to take tests like pregnancy test and to find any sexually transmitted diseases. But when a boy or girl don’t go to ER right away is because they don’t want to tell but if yo...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

“Lord of The Flies”- Holocaust Essay

The book,†Lord of the Flies† parallels exactly to the horrible accounts of the Holocaust. It took place during the same time, and many ideas and events are very similar. The Holocaust was a huge inspiration on Golding’s book, and like the Holocaust, Golding creates a setting, that’s in a sense, secret. They also both took place during World War II. Just like in the beginning, when the boys first landed on the island, before the Holocaust even began, the boys were unified as one tribe. However,underneath the surface, problems were rising. Piggy was referred to only by his derisive nickname, much in the same way as Jews were stripped of their real names and called ‘Jew bastard’or ‘kike’. â€Å"You’re talking too much,† said Jack merridew, â€Å"Shut up fatty.† Laughter arose (Golding 21) This is only one of the many examples of the boys degrading Piggy. Jews weren’t ever treated quite as fairly as Germans. They were discriminated because of their race,religion, and mostly just because they were living a better life than the Germans. Ralph was the leader. He thought things out with his right hand man, Piggy. Together they were very intelligent, and were respected by most of the boys. Ralph who represents Neville Chamberlain, who was England Prime Minister before World War II was infamous for allowing Hitler to invade the Sudetenland without conse quence. Jack would represent Adolf Hitler. He wanted power, and would do anything to get it. Like Hitler, Jack was a very good public speaker. He said what people wanted to hear, that they would have fun, and eat meat, in a time when meat sounded very good to the boys, when they were on the verge of starvation from hunger. He took advantage of his abilities to hunt and the weakness of the boys, just as Hitler did. He would find in this downtrodden people, an audience very willing to listen. In his speeches, Hitler offered what they needed most, encouragement. He gave them heaps of vague promises while avoiding the details. Hitler didn’t work alone. He had his right hand man who was in charge of the extermination of his enemies. Roger was Jack’s chief executioner and Adolf Eichmann had the job of ridding Germany of Jews. You  could tell in the beginning that Jack would rebel. He always had a different  view than Ralph, and you could see some envy of Ralph in him. â€Å"We want meat-† â€Å"And we don’t get it†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ We need shelters† Suddenly Jack shouted in rage. â€Å"Are you  accusing-?† † All I’m saying is we’ve worked dashed hard. That’s all.† They were both red in the face and found looking at each other difficult (Golding 51). Ralph had his group- Piggy, Simon, and some of the â€Å"littluns†. They were the thinkers of the boys. They represented the Jews, and Jack hated them for it because Jack’s main worry was hunting while R alph tried to focus on the fire and getting rescued. Their ideas clashed and so did they. One of Hitler’s main problems with Jews was that they were so smart and they were living a wealthier life than everyone else, and hogging all of the luxuries that could and should be the Germans. That’s when Jack formed his new tribe with the choir boys, then known as the hunters, on the other side of the island. â€Å"I’m going off by myself. He can catch his own pigs. Anyone who wants to hunt when I do can come too.†(Golding 127). This is similar to Hitler’s forming of the Nazis. Jack recruited Roger who was a more sadistic member of the tribe. All of his tribe members played a very evil part, and most of them were only interested in killing. They thought it was exciting and enjoyed it. They were forced to rebel against Ralph, and they symbolized the people who were forced into torturing the Jews. They would torture, or be tortured. It was a simple answer for most, as it was for Sam and Eric. They were the public, easily convinced and lead into traps in which they didn’t think for themselves anymore. This is when it changes from a democracy to a dictatorship,exactly what happened after Hitler became leader. In the book, Jack made all of his followers call him chief, respect him, and acknowledge when he was done speaking. The two savages looked at each other, raised their spears and spoke in time. â€Å"The Chief has spoken.†(Golding 141).He made them march together, and look very well organized and unified. On October 13,1930, dressed in their brown shirts, the elected Nazi deputies marched in unison into the Reichstag and took their seats. When the roll call was taken, each one shouted, â€Å"Present! Heil Hitler!† . Both of these examples have alot of similarities. Both show the obedience the leaders had over their followers. They were  all brainwashed, and this statement goes to both Jack’s tribe and the Nazis. This brainwashing even got to a point where killing was okay. They didn’t really think  twice about it. They all thought what they were doing was right, they didn’t realize what they were doing, and didn’t look at the big picture. †¦Roger, with a sense of  delirious abandonment, leaned all his weight on the lever†¦The rock struck Piggy with a glancing blow (Golding 180). This statement describes Roger’s feelings about killing, and it obviously doesn’t matter that much to him. He wasn’t thinking before he acted. When Simon was coming down the mountain to tell everyone that there really wasn’t a beast, it was just a dead body from war, they mistook Simon himself for the beast  because they were so riled up from the feast and the dance, they actually tricked themselves into thinking Simon was something else. Even after, when they knew what they were doing they kept tearing Simon apart. The beast was on its knees in the center, its arms folded over its face. It was crying out against the abominable noise something about a dead body on the hill†¦At once the crowd surged after it, poured down the rock, leapt on to the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore (Golding 153). The feast and dance are similar to Hitler’s speeches to get everyone excited to kill the Jews. He began speech in low, hesitating tones,  gradually rising the pitch and volume of his voice then exploding in a climax of frenzied indignation. He combined this with carefully rehearsed hand gestures for maximum effect. He skillfully played on the emotions of the  audience bringing the level of excitement  higher and higher until people wound up a wide-eyed, screaming, frenzied mass that surrendered to his will and looked upon him with pseudo- religious adoration. When Jack’s tribe is trying to hunt down Ralph to torture him, it represents the German police, ripping the ghettos apart just to find some Jews hidden in homes and  other buildings, so that they could be brought to concentration camps where they  would be tortured and/or killed. When they finally find Ralph, in his thicket hiding,  they decide there is not much they can do to kill him, but set the island on fire. This is  similar to when the German people working on the concentration camps cremated their  victims in a fire pit, where they couldn’t get out. I also think it is important to mention  that the word, Holocaust comes from the Greek holokauston , that which is  completely burnt, that which goes up, that is in smoke, or a sacrificial offering that is  consumed entirely by flames.   Ralph did end up escaping the fire, and just when everything seemed lost, the boys  were chasing after him, and it was expected for him to die, the naval officer showed  up on the island because he saw the flames from his ship. It is only when the boys are  rescued by a naval officer that the monster Jack has become shrinks back into his boy-  like state. This deflation of power signifies the collapse of Nazi Germany in the face of  the Allied forces(Windham 3). A little boy who wore the remains of an extraordinary  black cap on his red hair and who carried the remains of a pair of spectacles at his  waist, started forward, then changed his mind and stood still (Golding 201). In  the Holocaust, when everything seemed lost, soldiers fighting in the war started  showing up to liberate the Jews, and everyone else that was captured.  The similarites of the book and the German Holocaust are no coincidences. Golding  had definite intentions of referring to the Hol ocaust in this novel, and in this thesis there are  too many similarities to say they weren’t written because of the events going on during  World War II.

Friday, August 16, 2019

City Demographics and Crime Profile Essay

Houston is the largest city in Texas and the fourth largest city in the United States. According to 2009 census, the city had a population of approximately 2. 2 million people and the city occupies a space of 600 square miles. Houston is a multi-cultural state due to the fact that the city is a host to many academic institutions and many industries. Houston city has large number of young population and this has been contributed to by an influx of immigrants in the state. More than 90 languages are spoken in Houston (Miller, and Larry, 2008) The city is ranked third among the cities with large number of Hispanics and Mexican-American in the United States. The city scores high number of Hispanics in the state of Texas. The city also has high numbers of illegal emigrants who mostly reside in the Greater Houston area. Houston has the largest number of Nigerian-American population in United States and they constitute more than 2% of the population. The city a median household income of $36,616 where as the median income for a family is 40,443. emales have a median income of $27,371 while men has a median of $32,084. 16 percent of families and 19 percent of the population live below the poverty line. The city is home to many emigrants from Asia with more than 30,000 emigrants in 2007. Crime in Houston increases as one goes to the outer highways. It is therefore advised that people walk with care when taking highways in the outskirts of the city since harassment tend to be more common in areas that are outlining Interstate Hig hway 45from Southern Beltway to the northern belt. Crimes in these areas include shootings, muggings, and robberies. Many people in Houston tend to ignore threats but people are mostly advised that some to accomplish their threats. The most notorious district that people are advised to avoid is the Westchase which consist of Hillcroft past Westheimer and Daury Ashford. Mission Bend is safe and all is required is caution. Richmond and the West Oaks area hwy 6 all the way to 1 Stebner Airline is generally safe (Miller, and Larry, 2008). Staying in Hotels near Williowbrook, Tombal, Cy-Fair, Spring and the surrounding area is relatively safer since there are fewer panhandlers as compared to areas around Galleria. Bellaire and West University are also good areas but people are advised to avoid Beechnut, Chimney Rock and 610. The more one moves from town, the it becomes risky to walk at night. Areas such as Wards, Gulfton, Fondren South West and Sharptown are risky at night and it even advised to walk with caution during the day. Houston was ranked 46th city in United States in murder cases as per 2005 and the rate of murder per capita rate is 16. 3. The murder rate for the city is ranked third among cities in the United States with a population of more than 1,000,000. Even though cases of murder have been on the increase, non-violent crimes have significantly reduced by 2% in 2005. Some media sources have attributed the increasing crime rate on the aftermaths of Katrina. Houston is also one of the major drug hubs in the United States; traffickers use the city to supply marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and MDMA to distributors in other cities in the United States. Houston is in top position in state of Texas in auto-theft. In 2007 alone, 31,000 motor vehicles were stolen in the metropolitan area of Houston (Wallman, 2006) Due to the mix in population in the city, there is high rate of crimes and this has given the police department to control crime. Illegal emigrants in Houston makes crime rates hard to control.

Importance of English in today’s world Essay

So what is English? It is nothing but a means of communication via reading/writing or speaking something. It has become so popular these days that it has left behind its counterparts like French and Chinese very much behind. It might not be the most spoken â€Å"native language† in the world, but it is the most spoken second language in the entire world. it acts as a lingua franca or what we call a language bridge across nations. People from two different communities, countries, religion or category which might not share the same language always have access to English to converse their views, thoughts, ideas and can come over the burden of different languages. So why speak English? Well†¦ its a self answered question. If you don’t speak English in today’s competitive world you’ll be left behind in the jobs’ sector and in almost every other scenario of life. You won’t be able to put forth your thoughts anywhere which’ll result in you losing your job as well as your life. Yes English is the link to survival these days. Even if you want to converse with anyone in any part of the world, English is the answer. If you can’t talk, read, write or type in English how’d you be able to put forth your ideas in front of the other person sitting next to you or in other part of world. How’d you be able to build your confidence without conversing your ideas properly. Read more: Essay on importance of English So now I’ve learnt Engliash, what should I do now? Gain vocabulary and practice to make your English fluent. The more you practice, the better it’ll get. As it is already said, â€Å"Hard Work has no substitutes, no shortcuts and no giveups!† For starters stand in front of a mirror and converse something to yourself as if you’re giving a speech on a stage in front of an audience. You’ll be able to invigilate yourself where you stand and what else needs to be done to make it even better. If you want to do something in life, stop reading these kind of articles, get outside and have some fresh air and start writing your own views just like this one. Then only you can be a successful person in life. If you continuously depend on others points how would you able to define yours personality? How would you ever be a successful person in life? Whats my point of writing all these things? I not only want to share my views on such an important topic but I want the readers to be encouraged after reading this. I’d be glad if i can strike anyone’s mind even for a briefest moment. So I’d like to conclude by saying that it is never too late to get up and start doing something new. it’ll make you better only and it’ll help to make friends and get along with life

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Diversity of People in United States: A Threat to U. S. Security?

I. IntroductionAs the globalization become rampant, people are migrating to and from different parts of the world. The United States (U.S.), being a well developed country in the world, apparently, different citizens from different countries and continents are trying to migrate and build their lives in the U.S.This could not only be seen in the modern days but also in the past era of the America wherein French people and African ethnics, from their migrant ancestors, are able to live now as American citizens. Being a divert country; different people are living within one geographical area. Considering that U.S. is a very politicking and powerful country, cold war and gaps with other nations are unavoidable.Along with this study, the main objective of this research is to know whether the culture of diversity in U.S. could be a threat to the national security of the country. Further, the study also aims to provide information regarding the different race and nationality of the people l iving in the U.S. Also, the purpose of the study is also to determine the implications of having U.S. citizens who are born in different places and nationalities.The study is conducted for the advantage of formulation of mitigating measures if there are negative implications showcased by the study.In addition, the study only encompasses people who are living within the geographic area of the country. It will be conducted in a specified (and short) period of time since the resources of the researchers are also limited.II. MethodologyThe research study will be using secondary data from the civil registrar and primary data through personal interviews with different professionals (e.g. demographers and sociologists) for thorough analysis of the study.The research design that the researcher will be using is the Experimental design with the combination of the Quasi – experimental design. First, the Experimental design because the study will still follow the scientific method in per forming data gathering. Second, the Quasi – experimental design will also be used because of the use of the statistics data and the adherence to lesser random research.The study will also be using cluster random sampling. This sampling method could be more appropriate with the study since subunits of the population that will be gathered will becoming from all states in the U.S. Thus, the study could have an equal representation from each cluster.The method of analysis that will be used in the study is the deductive approach or analysis. From the general information that can be gathered, each thread of details that could contribute significantly to the result of the study.Those data that are planned to collect are data of the migrants since after World War II. The numbers of the natural American citizensThe numbers of the natural American citizens will also be counted, meaning, these people are whose parents are both American citizens and born in the U.S. Also, the statistics of the different ethnic, races, and nationalities in different states will also be collected. From the national defense, some security measures will also be searched in addition to the recommendation of the study.III. Results and Discussion (Possible Implication of the Study)There could be many trends from the result and discussions of the study, if it will be conducted completely. There are numbers of implications of the study that could be shown like despite the fact that people in the U.S. are born in different places and nationality, it is not a threat to the national security of the country since the country, itself, has its own tight measure against the terrorism and any violent act to the state. Also, the study could also implies that a tighter security measure should still be implemented within for a safer lives of the U.S. citizens.ReferenceRetrieved on January 15, 2008 on Embassy of the United States database.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Oroonko or the Royal Slave Essay

Oroonko or the Royal Slave tells a story about the life of a man captured and sold into slavery and some of the adventures his life encompassed. Oroonko was the grandson to the King of Coramantien. He possessed a very rare and unique magnificence that all admired. Oroonko was brought up learning and living the life of an honorable soldier and prince. He was well educated and well-liked far and wide by all who knew him. Oroonko became acquainted and quickly fell in love with his mentor’s daughter, Imoinda. They soon decided to be joined as husband and wife. According to the customs of their time, Oroonko’s grandfather, the King of Coramantien, was to be allowed the opportunity to bless the union before anything became official. The king had heard of Imoinda’s beauty and instead of blessing their union, the king took Imoinda for himself. This very greatly disgraced Oroonko. With the passing of time, the love Oroonko held in his heart for Imoinda did not fade. He desperately wanted to be with Imoinda and was eventually afforded the chance. The jealous and ever-suspicious king discovered Imoinda and Oroonko together and became very angry. The penalty for treasonous acts, as this was most certainly considered, was death. Oroonko was able to escape, but Imoinda was not. The king, unable to put such a beauty as Imoinda to death, instead sold her to a slave trader to be shipped off to America to become a slave. Death would have been preferable to Imoinda and she begged for it, but the king wanted nothing to do with her any longer. Selling Imoinda into slavery was kept an absolute secret from Oroonko. The king knew if Oroonko ever learned what had really happened to Imoinda, his rage would be unequaled. And so it was assumed by all that Imoinda was, in fact, put to death for her treachery. At this point, the king felt it necessary to make his peace with Oroonko. He realized and wanted to repent of the disgrace he brought upon his grandson. He also felt extremely guilty about his decision to sell Imoinda into slavery, but again, that was not widely known. Oroonko conceded no revenge would be taken on his part against the king. Time passed and in the course of this time Oroonko became a highly decorated and popular war general and hero. Forever longing in his heart for Imoinda, Oroonko resigned to live the life he was born to live – the life of a nobleman. It was to happen after a particularly successful battle, Oroonko came home to a celebration. At this celebration, there was a ship’s captain who was familiar to Oroonko and they spent some time together. Oroonko was aware that this particular captain was a slave trader, but had no reason to distrust him or hold animosity against him. Unjustly so, as it would turn out, since this captain deceived Oroonko into a tour of his ship and then shackled him to the ship and set sail for America to be sold into slavery. The captain continued in his deception while on the voyage and convinced Oroonko that he and his men would be let go at the next port. Oroonko had not encountered dishonesty as was present in the heart of the captain before, so he suspected nothing and trusted the captain to keep his word. When they arrived on land, Oroonko and his men were at once sold to the highest bidder and sent off to be slaves. Oroonko worked for a short while and then heard of a woman of great beauty who was also a slave. He soon found Imoinda and they were married. Oroonko lived as a slave, but was restless to regain his freedom. He frequently spoke to his owner and pleaded for this and was put off time and again for one reason or another. He was given promise after promise or release to no avail. Oroonko soon realized exactly how dishonorable the slave owners were. With only a little effort, Oroonko called together the slaves from all around and when they had gathered, he convinced them they were being treated unfairly and should leave their cruel and uncaring owners to find a better life somewhere else. With his eloquence and affirming manner, Oroonko was able to sway them that even the evils of the wilderness could be overcome with enough conviction and team work. Regardless of the hardships facing a journey of such proportion, losing your life fighting was more honorable than being treated like animals. Unfortunately, the revolt did not take the slaves far. Their trail was easily discovered and it was not long before they were caught and surrendered. The terms of the surrender Oroonko struck with the slave owners who had caught them included fairness and avoidance of retribution or retaliation against the group who had attempted escape. However, disregarding the word given at the surrender, the slave owners marched their slaves back to their respective plantations and they were all punished. Oroonko, however, was taken to a post, tied securely, and severely lashed. There was barely any life left in him when the evil slave owners were finished. Oroonko made up his mind that he would one day seek revenge against such untrustworthy, wicked, and dishonorable men. While the end of the story tells that this plan was not brought to fruition, Oroonko left this world a legend. He held his honor to his dying breath. The story of Oroonko is an excellent anti-slavery argument. Through the story, the reader is allowed a glimpse of a man who could have very easily been from any race or station in life. Oroonko was well educated. He was taken in and taught by the best of the best. Many slave owners, in those days, believed slaves were nothing but unintelligent, low-life heathens, but Oroonko was none of these. Oroonko may not have believed in the same religion or faith as the slave owners, but his beliefs were just as important and essential as theirs. The slave owners judged without considering the differences that existed between their very unique cultures. For example, Oroonko and Imoinda came from a country where wives were expected to give honor to their husbands. Imoinda pleaded with Oroonko to take her life as an alternative to living without him by her side. She considered being killed by someone so noble as Oroonko was far superior than living as a slave. The slave owners and white men would not and did not understand this logic. By their standards, Oroonko was a vile and murderous heathen. Slavery abruptly stole men, women, and children from their place of origin and flung them into a life of degradation and submission. They were required to work for little to nothing by way of payment and treated as no better than dogs. Oroonko spoke of them being whipped at the end of the day. It made no difference if you had done well or poorly, all slaves were whipped. The â€Å"gods† these slave owners prayed to and had faith in was a puzzling deity to Oroonko. His faith in his gods was built on very different standards, and Oroonko believed so strongly in these gods, there was no questioning how others should be treated and how one should conduct themselves in all situations. Everyone deserved to be treated with honor and respect. The faith of the slave owners came into question several times. Oroonko was unable to understand how these people could on any level of decency treat anyone the way the slaves were treated. While it remained unsaid, Oroonko must have certainly felt as though all were created different, but equal. Not all slave owners were cruel in their treatment of slaves. Oroonko befriended several compassionate men along the way. The narrator of the novel happened to be one of these men. While remaining benevolent in spirit, these men did own slaves and were hesitant, if not downright unwilling, to grant them their freedom. None of the men and women sold into slavery deserved the life they were forced to lead. The white men who bought them did not consider the lives they left behind. These were real people with real lives and real customs and real traditions. The religion practiced – on whatever level – by the white slave owners was not the only way to believe. The simple belief they held that they were right did not by any means make that a truth. The Negroes held their own beliefs, and right or wrong according to someone else’s standards, they had every right to believe however they chose. Oroonko was a prince and more than likely more educated than many of the slave owner’s themselves, and yet was treated with contempt and disrespect. With his breeding and the instruction he had received, Oroonko knew in his head and in his heart that treating anyone in such a manner was unreasonable and outrageous. In the end, despite the best efforts of the slave owners, Oroonko died as he had lived with his honor and dignity.